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Building a better future

Our sustainability strategy takes a holistic approach across three core pillars.

We’ve set objectives and targets against each pillar to drive meaningful sustainable outcomes and systemic change across our business, residents, supply chain, investors, and in turn, wider society.

This is an opportunity to return economic, environmental, and social value and we are committed to drive the systematic change and collaboration that is so urgently needed.

As we achieve the targets we’ve set, we’ll continue to stretch ourselves with new ones keeping our business, internal team, and the supply chain at the forefront of leading industry action.

We’re resolute in our intent to make a real and lasting positive difference. We’re determined that this is not simply seen as rhetoric. Our words are being followed by very clear actions that will allow us to realise those ambitions.
Will Bax Chief Executive
We need to be ahead of the game and make a serious contribution to reducing climate change right now. If everyone plays their part, no matter how small, we can be secure in the knowledge that not only have we started to make a real difference in the way we live, but we are also ensuring that the next generation can look forward to a positive future.
Tim Seddon Chief Property Officer Developement


We will have a positive impact on the planet

  • We will be net zero carbon on our operations by 2030
  • Our supply chain will be net zero carbon by 2030 and we will work with our customers to be net zero carbon by 2035
  • We will develop all new communities to be fully net zero carbon from 2024
  • We will increase biodiversity by at least 20% across all communities and new developments by 2025

Waste Management

We will design out waste from our communities

  • We will operate within a circular economy by 2030


We will support the social and economic success of our local communities

  • We will champion quality and fair employment and support the development of our local communities
  • We will partner with local business, placing them at the centre of our procurement strategy by 2025
  • We will foster strong, connected communities
RV Sustainibility Report Sep 2023
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