As Botanical Place, our latest Thrive Living collection development, in the heart of West Byfleet takes shape, we challenged the local community to show us everything that makes the area so special to them and what new residents of Botanical Place have to look forward to when they start to move in.
The photography competition
We’ve met and engaged with the local businesses in the area, and now it's time to discover the beauty of West Byfleet through the eyes of those who call it home already. Residents and people in the local area were invited to enter the competition by snapping a scene, that meant something special to them. The competition was popular with a huge amount of images entered.
The winning 12 photos will be featured in a community calendar available from the marketing suite at Botanical Place in January, as well as other locations in the centre of West Byfleet and from the community groups who took part.

Our local judge
Ben Nicholson, our local judge, has selected the winning photos. Ben is an amateur photographer himself, with a deep love of wildlife and landscape. He discovered his passion about five years ago and has been hooked ever since. Through his lens, he aims to share the beauty and importance of the natural world with others.
Ben helps to put together the British Wildlife Calendar each year and is keen to ensure he matches images to the right month and season, making him the ideal candidate for our community calendar.
As a local boy, Ben played tennis at West Byfleet Tennis Club where he is now a coach, supporting other children with an interest in the sport. Ben’s parents live locally in West Byfleet and have done so for 25 years.
And the winners are…
Each photograph will be credited to the community member who took it in the calendar with their name and the location.
We're so proud of everyone who contributed to this project, showcasing the beauty and nature of the West Byfleet area through the lens of those that know it best, the community who live there.
Your new community to call home
The calendar gives a true sense of the beauty of West Byfleet. Something we have tried to reflect in the development of Botanical Place. With an active tree planting scheme and open space throughout, plus the pedestrianised central square, Botanical Place will bring more character to this already beautiful area.
If you, or a loved one, is considering a move to a community built on wellbeing, choice, and flexibility get in touch with the team to find our more about the brand new community in West Byfleet.