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PHOTO 2022 05 05 14 09 36

Some members of the gardening club at The Priory requested raised beds to improve the outdoor facilities and allow more members of the community to get involved in the gardening club.

The grounds at The Priory are beautiful and include woodland as well as a meadow walk. But many residents’ pride and joy are the allotments. Allotments allow for the residents to be outside in the fresh air, but also provide plentiful fruit and veg as a result of their efforts. They have been built in an octagon shape to reflect the shape of one of the communal rooms in the old house. Many say gardening is good for the soul, and with a grounds team on hand, you can get as involved as you like, or not depending on how the day takes you.

There are eight different raised beds on the grounds now. Residents tend them for a year, with an option to renew the next year. They take it in turns to water the garden, so it doesn’t become too much work for one person. They have planted a huge variety of vegetables including lettuces, courgettes, and runner beans. There is a wide variety of herbs too and sweet peas add a soft, fresh fragrance to the area.

Not only does the allotment provide a great space to get outdoors, but the area is in the centre of the ground so a great focal point for meeting people.  Teresa, a resident, comments, “Planting the raised beds has provided me with a great sense of satisfaction. I grew my own pumpkin last year and intend to do so again. I always put sweet peas in my wedge too. When they flower I take bunches to those in the community who aren’t able to get out as much”

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