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Allotment 2

Hilda, 78, moved into Gradwell Park earlier this year. She shares her story with us and some of the main reasons she chose Gradwell Park as her home.

Hilda moved from the busy seaside town of Brighton when she chose Gradwell Park as her home earlier this year. Gradwell Park, in East Sussex, is just around the corner from Hilda’s younger son, so being close to family is fantastic as she is able to see him and her grandson very regularly. Previously she didn’t see him as much, living so close by, she’s able to watch him grow up and really enjoy his company.

Another key reason for her, and the family, is the availability of 24/7 support and the on-call team. Hilda wanted to have the reassurance that should she need support it would be there, without having to call on her family and feel like a burden, even though none of them felt this way! The support has given her confidence and independence again and allowed her to feel less worried about getting out and enjoying herself. The support, although she hasn’t needed to call on it, is useful and gives the whole family peace of mind that she has everything she needs.

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In Brighton, Hilda was used to the busy town and having lots of places to see and visit. She is very social and has settled into the village social life straight away. There’s always something going on in this close-knit community, choir practice, board games night, coffee morning, quizzes, day trips to the beautiful towns and countryside, and shopping experiences. Hilda has taken on an allotment, which she is planning to share with two others. They have been planting out vegetables and herbs for the space and meeting over coffee or lunch in the bistro.

Hilda comments, “ The kindness and support I’ve received since joining the community has been overwhelming. There are lots of fun things to do and people to get involved with, I’m really enjoying community life.”

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