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Simon & Brndda 2

For both Brenda and Simone the move to Elmbridge Village was prompted by a desire to downsize. They were both on their own and didn’t want the property upkeep and maintenance taking up any more of their time. They were looking for something more homely and easy to manage without the hassle their family home had previously afforded them. Their new friendship blossomed in the salon at the clubhouse.

Simone loves to get her hair done and is a regular client of Mandy at the salon. Mandy offers a range of services from a blow dry to a cut and colour, all from her salon located in the centre of the clubhouse. It’s here Simone met Brenda, who had moved in a few months before her.

They started attending events in the community together, meeting in the lounge for coffee and enjoying the film nights or concerts put on in the clubhouse. Mostly they enjoy having a giggle together about hairstyles gone by, particularly those they both sported in the fifties and sixties!

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There’s so much going on in the village. Simone comments, “You could be organised and go to something every day if you wanted to, but there’s no pressure, it’s up to you what you want to join with”. The community hall is the meeting point for a lot of activities including line dancing, yoga, book club, and the communities’ choir.

Brenda joined the choir when she first arrived at the community. She comments, “I’d always wanted to join a choir but never had the time and now I do”. The choir meets each week and Brenda has started to find her voice, something the extra time she now has allowed her to get involved with.

Both agree the community has enabled them to stay independent and active, giving them the time to fulfil their hobbies and just enjoy themselves. The dry sense of humour they both share has certainly kept the giggles coming!

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