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The residents at Thamesfield celebrated National Tea Day with a freshly prepared afternoon tea in the restaurant followed by a trip down the River Thames on Liberty Belle.

As a nation of tea drinks across Britain, we drink about 100 million cups of it daily! So the residents of Thamesfield hardly needed an excuse to break out the pot. They celebrated the day with a special event held in the restaurant. Traditional sandwiches including cream cheese with cucumber and smoked salmon were served. Along with scones with jam and cream and squares of Victoria sponge cake. And a many cups of tea.

After the celebration, some of the residents climbed aboard the Liberty Belle, a beautiful wooden boat, currently moored at the village’s private mooring. They enjoyed the warm afternoon sunshine cruising down the river. A fitting way to end the day’s celebrations.

Our Village Manager, said, “The boat trip was a lovely addition to the event and we have some more trips planned over the summer months while Liberty Belle is staying with us, getting out on the river for a sunny afternoon is a real treat for anyone.”

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