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Sustainability is one of the core values here at Retirement Villages. The team and residents at Gradwell Park brought that to life with a special event to mark Earth Day this year.

As a community with beautiful outside space including a woodland walk, water feature, and allotments all backing onto the rolling South Downs. Gradwell Park played host an Earth Day event open to residents and the wider community.

The event not only showcased the gardens and outside space on offer for residents in the community, but it also played host to local businesses including Wildflowers of Lewes and East Sussex Animal Rescue who both gave talks on sustainability and steps we can all take to minimise our impact on the environment around us.

Guests were invited to make seed bombs to plant which will attract bees and other insects to the gardens locally. There was a planting session using up-cycled pots and some guests made Earth Day pledges on seed paper to plant on the grounds. The pledges included a promise to cycle to work, reduce food waste, and investigate hybrid cars. All these little efforts can go a long way toward positively impacting the environment and contributing to wider sustainability efforts. The event was topped off with a vegan BBQ for everyone to enjoy.

Audrey Kelly, Village Manager, said, “Gradwell Park was the first village to have a no single-use plastics policy across the Retirement Villages group, so it’s great to carry these sustainability efforts forward and host an event for the wider community as well.”

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