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Last year certainly gave us many trials, however we look to this year with some sense of optimism whilst recognising the need once again to rise to the short-term challenges ahead. In recent days the COVID vaccination roll-out process has gathered pace at our villages, there is a light at the end of the tunnel with the much anticipated rollout of the vaccine gradually being administered across our villages, bringing with it a renewed (and long-awaited) peace of mind through these challenging times.

Thanks to the tireless efforts of the NHS, our care home partners and our dedicated village team both residents and staff at Gittisham Avonpark and Thamesfield Villages have all received their first dose of the vaccine.

“It was a happy morning on New Year’s Eve. Seen as the beginning of the end of this awful period. It was like a military operation – albeit starting at 9.30am was early for some!”

Our residents and village teams have all pulled together, with military-style planning, to ensure that everyone was able to make it along to receive the vaccine. The maintenance staff were out salting the pathways outside residents’ homes so they would be able to venture out for their vaccination appointment, and one selfless resident (Mr Heckle, Gittisham Village) volunteered his services with his late wife’s electric wheelchair to assist those unable to walk to their appointment. Our communities have responded so well to the arrival of the vaccine, and we are proud of how everyone has worked together to make it run so smoothly, whilst managing to maintain strict social-distancing guidelines.

We hope to see the first rounds of vaccination to have taken place at all of our villages by the end of February with our positive community spirit leading us all through the coming months.


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