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This month two hives of bees, from a local beekeeper in Paynes, have arrived at the village.

The arrival of the bees in the village is very exciting. They will work as additional pollinators on-site and will benefit from the array of wildflowers that have been planted. At the moment we have two queen bees and hope that we will be able to add more frames to the top of the hive as the colonies increase in size.

Next year the bees should produce enough honey for the village to have its own supply, which will be available from the village store.

Sophie, Head Gardener at Gradwell Park, commented, “The bees are a brilliant addition to the community and help us on our quest to become more sustainable. I’ve been on a beekeeping course and will be able to lean on the experience of another village in the group, Charters in West Sussex, who have well-established hives.”

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