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22 ELMBRIDGE 601X338 1Eef9ce

Janet and Ricky, like to take their time and consider all their options when making large decisions. In fact, their move to Elmbridge was based on seven years of research and planning.

They love their bungalow, but what really attracted them to the village was the lifestyle on offer. All the planning and research helped them to make the choice. But nothing really prepared them for the lifestyle, which they describe as “absolutely amazing”.

Having always been “go-getters” they love that there’s always something to join in with if you want to. Janet worked out that she started 12 new hobbies since moving to the community six months ago. Some she’s since dropped, as she established what she enjoyed and what she really wanted to spend her time doing. Some things they join in together and others they enjoy by themselves. Ricky is keen on boules and croquet, whereas Janet prefers yoga and line dancing. Janet makes the point that they do things together as well, as they really like each other!

Talking about the importance of the move and one of the driving factors behind it was the couple’s pragmatic approach to aging. Both agreed, one day it’ll just be one of them, so it’s important to have a community and a group of friends around you can rely on for support when you do need it. Elmbridge village has given them just that, a sense of security for the future, whatever it might hold. They wanted to be prepared but didn’t want to miss out on any fun along the way, so Elmbridge’s vibrant community spirit and support in the background have given them both.

Janet comments, “I wake up in the morning and say to Ricky, let’s go do something, and it’s all here so we do just that.”

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