Hilary and her husband, recently moved to Elmbridge Village. They have lived locally in Cranleigh for over 40 years, so already knew lots of residents in the community, which helps to make their move a smooth one.
Hilary describes the move as a future-proofing option. Her husband had experienced a few health issues, in the last year, and they felt it was time to investigate options that allowed them to stay active but provided support too. They wanted that support to be on hand whenever it might be called for, so Elmbridge provided a perfect solution. Now they are established in the community they can enjoy the vibrant lifestyle on offer but have the knowledge that support is there, if and when they might need it.

As keen gardeners, they took on an allotment plot in the community along with their bungalow which has allowed them to continue fulfilling their gardening ambitions. Everyone in the allotments works together so if you are away, or just need a break, others will step in and keep the area neat and tidy, ensuring plants are as watered as needed. It’s a beautiful, quiet part of the community so ideal to relax and read a book if you want a restful day.
The couple has family who live away. This means they spend some of their time traveling, so another advantage of the community is that they can lock up and leave their property. Safe in the knowledge everything will be just right when they get back, as the property is secure. There’s no maintenance to worry about either as this is all taken care of by the village team, another weight off their shoulders, and something that was become an increasing burden for the couple.
Hilary comments,

Our life at Elmbridge Village has given us time back to do with as we want. There’s no worry or stress like we had before with the house or health issues. We’re happy and comfortable in the community. It’s been a great move.